Game of DAFFY - the rules

Decides the order of the players.

The first person tries a trick of their choice - it must be done cleanly! If this is not successful on the first attempt, it is the next player's turn.

As soon as the first trick is performed cleanly, everyone else has to repeat the trick with ONE attempt. If the attempt fails, the player receives one letter of the word DAFFY. If you already have three letters (DAFF), you have two attempts in a row to repeat a trick.

As soon as you have collected all five letters, you are eliminated. 

The last player remaining in the game wins – Improve your skills! (Based on Game of Skate)

Do you need ideas for tricks? No problem! We have three videos with different tricks for Beginner , Advanced and Professionals prepared for you.

Sounds good? Here is the first part from Christian and Vince!